Thursday, June 13, 2013

Well, today was audio and visual movie making. Hopefully my kids will enjoy the video my group made fro our state centennial pictures. They will probably enjoy the photoshop stuff from yesterday better, especially Tyler. Now I get to play with the video maker to finish another part of the project. I will probably try to wrap that up tonight since I doesn't have to take very long.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A little bit of photo shop toady. I don't really feel like I understand how it works, but I can do things today I couldn't do yesterday, Maybe it will get better with practice. Here are some experiments from class.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I wish this class had come along a lot earlier in my schedule. There were so many simple things we learned today about research that would have been useful along the way. The end note should save a ton of time on papers. The table of contents feature was cool. I just bough Word 2010 a week or so before coming to intensives, so I am still learning about the program. Hopefully I'll be able to remember all of this stuff later. Now, if only I could figure out how to reclaim control of my blog page.
I'm still not sure how all of this stuff is supposed to work, but, if I understood Dr. Holder correctly, that's a big part of the purpose of this class. I am picking up some new things in the research aspect of the class. Hopefully, that will pay dividends in the dissertation process. My group is pleasant and seems like a good group with whom to work. Hopefully, we will get a better idea today of how the project will come together for Friday (and for the post-class prospectus).

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Comfort Level with Technology

My comfort level with technology is minimal. This last semester I put together my first two power point presentations ever. In fact, I actually created a blog page a few years ago, but  now I can't remember how to access the site to make changes. All I can do is look at it.